How Unhealthy Would Beef Be if Ranchers Did Nothing to Prevent Diesease

An earlier version of this commodity was published on the Britannica blog Advancement for Animals.

In December 1997 Oprah Winfrey, the American talk show host, and Howard Lyman, a onetime cattle rancher and and then director of the Humane Society's Eating with a Conscience Campaign, were sued in federal district court in Texas on a charge of disparaging beef. The adapt, which grew out of a 1996 segment of the Oprah Winfrey Show called "Dangerous Food," generated lively and occasionally humorous debate in the press about whether it is possible to libel a hamburger. Although Winfrey and Lyman eventually prevailed in court, the law under which the suit was brought, False Disparagement of Perishable Food Products (1995), remained on the books in Texas, every bit did similar laws in 12 other states. Known as food-disparagement, food-libel, or "veggie-libel" laws, these statutes were designed to enable agronomical and food corporations to prevent potential critics from publicly impugning the safety of their products. They go on to serve that purpose today.

The "Oprah" case

"Dangerous Food," which was broadcast on April xvi, 1996, featured a discussion by Winfrey and her guests of the possibility that beef cattle in the United States were or would become infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), unremarkably known as "mad cow illness." Less than 1 month before the circulate, British wellness regime had concluded that the consumption of animal tissues (especially nervous tissues) contaminated with the pathogenic protein that causes BSE in cattle was responsible for a rash of cases in U.k. of a new version of Creuzfeldt-Jakob affliction (CJD), a fatal degenerative encephalon disease in humans. During the discussion, Lyman argued that the risk in the U.s. of a BSE epidemic, and a consequent outbreak of CJD, was significant, owing to the widespread practice of adding "rendered" animal parts—consisting of the ground-up tissues and bones of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, birds, and other animals—into cattle feed every bit a cheap source of poly peptide. Alarmed, Winfrey asked her audition, "Now, doesn't that concern you all a piffling bit right there, hearing that? It has just stopped me common cold from eating another burger. I'thousand stopped."

In June 1997, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), citing concerns over a possible outbreak of BSE in the U.s., appear a ban on the utilise of rendered beefiness and lamb in feed produced for cattle and sheep. That fact notwithstanding, in December 1997 a group of cattle-industry executives led by Paul Engler, owner of Cactus Feeders, Inc., filed suit in federal district court, alleging that disparaging statements near beef fabricated by Winfrey and Lyman on the evidence had toll them $10.3 one thousand thousand in lost concern. The suit specifically defendant Winfrey and Lyman of simulated disparagement of a perishable food product, mutual-law business disparagement, defamation, and negligence. Under Texas'south food-disparagement police, persons are liable for "amercement and any other appropriate relief" if they disseminate information that states or implies that a perishable food product is not safe for public consumption, provided that the information is false and the persons know or should have known that it is false. The law defines "false" as not based on "reasonable and reliable scientific inquiry, facts, or data." The law makes no provision for damages or relief for the defendant if the suit filed against him or her is unsuccessful.

After the jury decided in her favor on February 28, 1998, Winfrey emerged from the courthouse in Amarillo and declared to a national tv set audience, "Free speech not only lives, it rocks!" Although the outcome was surely a victory for free speech, information technology was legally non as consequential every bit almost of her audience assumed. Because the Texas food-disparagement law was judged to not apply to the example (despite the all-time efforts of the plaintiffs' attorneys, cattle were deemed non sufficiently "perishable," as the law requires), the constabulary was unaffected past the ruling, though there were after some unsuccessful attempts in the Texas land legislature to repeal it. In this respect the "Oprah case" was not a total loss for the plaintiffs or for the agriculture and food industries generally. Indeed, it was arguably a considerable benefit to them, because it usefully demonstrated to a broad audition that anyone who questioned the safety of a perishable nutrient product in a public forum could face ruinously expensive litigation.

The Alar case and the invention of nutrient-disparagement police

As Lawrence Soley well documents in his volume Food Inc. (2002), the adoption of nutrient-disparagement laws in thirteen states in the 1990s was a directly result of a suit filed against the CBS network for its 1989 broadcast of a documentary report, "A is for Apple," on the telly news plan 60 Minutes. The report, relying on a written report by the National Resources Defense Quango (NRDC), asserted that many children in the United States were at risk of developing cancer afterwards in life because a meaning proportion of the apples grown in the country were sprayed with daminozide (commonly known by the merchandise name Alar), a growth regulator that was known to be a potent carcinogen. Children were in greater danger than adults, according to the report, because they swallow more food per unit of measurement of body weight and because they retain more of the food they swallow, amid other factors.

The economical impact of the report on Washington apple growers was predictably devastating. In 1991 the growers filed suit in federal commune court, charging CBS and the NRDC with production defamation. But the district court gauge, while noting that "apples had not received such bad press since Genesis," granted the defendants' motion for dismissal considering the growers did not provide any evidence to indicate that the allegations in the report were false. In 1995 an appeals court affirmed the district court determination, agreeing that "the growers have failed to raise a genuine result of cloth fact as to the falsity of the broadcast."

The Alar case was a wake-upwardly call to agricultural and food corporations. It fabricated plain that their fiscal interests could be seriously harmed by criticism of their products past public-involvement and consumer advocates. The law of product disparagement provided bereft protection considering information technology placed the burden of proof on corporate plaintiffs to show that the defendants' criticisms were false. What the corporations needed, every bit Soley points out, was a new kind of disparagement police force under which the burden of proof would prevarication with defendants, requiring them to prove that their statements were true. Considering suits brought nether such laws would be much easier for corporations to win, the laws would effectively prevent all only the wealthiest potential critics from speaking up.

Appropriately, in 1992 the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), a lobbying group for the cattle-feed and pet-food industries, hired a Washington, D.C., police force firm to draft a model nutrient-disparagement law, which the AFIA and other industry groups and then promoted to state legislators throughout the country. Nigh of the laws that were somewhen adopted use the verbal formulas contained in the model, including some variant of the provision that a disparaging statement may be accounted fake if it is non based on "reasonable and reliable scientific enquiry, facts, or data."

Constitutional and public-policy issues

In 1992 the Idaho state attorney general issued an assessment of the constitutionality of a proposed food-disparagement police then nether consideration in the Idaho state legislature. He noted that the new law departed from established production-disparagement police in at least three other pregnant respects: (1) the requirement of malice—making a false statement with knowledge of its falsity or in reckless disregard of its truth or falsity—was replaced with the much weaker standard of negligence—making a statement that the accused knew or "should have known" was faux; (ii) the category of actionable speech was broadened from false statements of fact to false "information," which potentially encompasses scientific theories and ideas concerning bug of public health and rubber; and (3) the requirement that the disparaging argument be "of and concerning" (specifically nigh) the plaintiff's product, rather than about a general category of product, such as apples or beef, was dropped. The attorney full general ended that each of these three innovations would probably render the law unconstitutional, and he therefore recommended desperate changes, nearly of which were adopted in the final law.

Meanwhile, the legislatures of 12 other states, detecting no constitutional flaws, adopted laws essentially similar the AFIA model. Indeed, some legislatures introduced constitutionally dubious provisions of their own. These included: granting standing to sue not only to producers of disparaged food but too to any person or commercial entity in "the entire chain from grower to consumer" (Georgia); allowing "disparagement" to apply non only to food products merely also to "generally accustomed agronomical and management practices" (South Dakota); assuasive the plaintiff to collect castigating too as actual damages or amercement three times larger than his actual loss (Ohio and South Dakota); and, uniquely, making food disparagement a criminal rather than a civil crime, requiring food disparagers to be prosecuted by the state (Colorado). None of them defines the terms "research," "facts," and "information" or the terms "reasonable" and "reliable." It is thus inherently unclear what standard of proof the accused must encounter. In exercise, nevertheless, plaintiffs tend to interpret these terms in such a fashion that an allegedly disparaging statement cannot be based on reasonable and reliable scientific evidence unless the preponderance of existing prove supports information technology. This interpretation would count as false whatever new scientific hypothesis that contradicts an established view. However, debates about issues of public wellness and rubber almost e'er concern questions that practice not even so have full and conclusive scientific answers.

Merely a few nutrient-disparagement suits have been filed since the adoption of the laws in the 1990s, the nigh notable existence a 2012 action against the ABC network past Beef Products, Inc. (BPI), a South Dakota-based manufacturer of "lean finely textured beefiness," popularly known every bit "pink slime." The suit declared that news reports broadcast past ABC had falsely suggested that BPI'southward product, consisting of ammonia-treated meaty remnants of already butchered cows ("trimmings"), was unhealthy and dangerous. (The term "pink slime" was coined in 2002 by a microbiologist at the U.Southward. Department of Agronomics, who questioned its unlabeled utilize equally an ingredient in ground beefiness.) At the time the suit was filed, ground beef containing pink slime was being used by major fast-food bondage like McDonald'southward and Burger King and was existence served in school lunches throughout the U.s.a.. Although it claimed economic damages of $1.9 billion, BPI could have demanded triple that amount, or $ billion, under South Dakota's Agricultural Food Product Disparagement Act. Instead, in 2017 ABC agreed to settle the accommodate for an undisclosed amount, though information technology connected to insist that its reporting had been accurate, and it did not apologize.

Although no food-disparagement merits has ever prevailed in court, that fact does not mean that the laws are non being used or that they are non serving their purpose. Both the Oprah example and the pink slime instance are skilful illustrations of this indicate. In society to avoid costly litigation of the sort faced by Oprah and ABC, many journalists and publishers at present avoid stories on food-safety bug or approach them in circumspect fashion, and many activists no longer speak out as forcefully or as publicly as they once did. Smaller publishers have been led to rewrite or omit potentially actionable material from books and to cancel some books altogether, sometimes after receiving threatening letters from corporate attorneys. It is worth noting that, had these laws been in force in earlier decades, Upton Sinclair's The Jungle (1906) and Rachel Carson'due south Silent Bound (1962) might never have been published. Meanwhile, agriculture and nutrient corporations and their lobbyists continue to push for the adoption of food-disparagement laws in states that do not have them and even in states in which they take been rejected.

As many potential defendants of food-disparagement suits have pointed out, if these laws are allowed to stand there is no reason to assume that like laws will non be created to protect other industries—if there tin be such a thing as food disparagement, why can't there also be automobile disparagement, lawn-article of furniture disparagement, or shoe disparagement? We could be facing a time to come in which any public-interest criticism of the products or practices of a corporation is legally actionable or illegal. That is a grim prospect indeed.


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